Julia de Porras. Brand Identity Design.

Better branding materials

Doing the best for your brand

You are starting a new and amazing project and you want the branding to be as amazing as your idea, but you don’t even know where to start, how to apply it and feel overwhelmed.

Or you already have a brand. Or just a logo. Or maybe just a website. But something doesn’t feel quite right. There are inconsistencies between what you’re trying to transmit to your customers and how your brand is displayed.

Sounds familiar?

Remember, a logo is just a small part of what a brand is. Your branding tells your audience who you are through the use of color, fonts, image, copy, the tone of voice, etc.

And your brand identity is the visual part of it, including but not limited to: logo, color palette and typefaces. These are just the main assets.

When you apply them with coherence, following your brand guidelines, you have a brand identity. And I can guide you through all the process on how to apply it to get the best results.

Hello! I’m Julia, a graphic designer and set designer with more than 15 years of experience, specialized in editorial design and brand materials, keeping consistency across different media.

What I can do for you

Print & Editorial

PDF Ebooks & Guides
Corporate stationery

Brand Identity Design

Logo Design / Redesign
Style Guides
Social media
Corporate templates

Graphic Artwork

Icon Design
Vector Illustration

Design Applied to Spaces

Exhibition Design
Set Design
Vinyl decals

The process

Do you want some help?

I can create a custom estimate based on your needs or you can take advantage of some of my packages. Just ask!

The graphic below shows the main steps of my design process.

Do you think we are a good match? Great, let’s talk!
Not sure already? Then you could take a look at my portfolio here or know a bit more about me.
Anyway, thanks for watching!

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